Pick a random day during the last six years and there’s a 99% chance that nothing big was accomplished that day in my business. And yet… When you look at the overall picture, I’ve had some really BIG wins! I’ve had hundreds of coaching sessions, created an online community and written a book, just to name a few. 

I have grown my business around the idea that if you are intentional and do a little bit each week, it can have a huge impact and create big results. 

You can do this too! Whether it’s creating your legacy, a business, a side-hustle, a hobby or just getting a grip on your home projects, this idea works. Tiny steps can have a huge impact.

As I’ve shared and taught this concept to others over the last few years (it’s a foundation of the How to Eat an Elephant community), I have noticed a couple pitfalls.

  • People want results right away. When they don’t see them, they abandon or shift their plans, essentially starting over. If you are taking tiny steps, it may take a bit longer to notice the progress. Be patient and notice the tiny wins.
  • Intentionality is key. You can’t throw spaghetti at the wall and expect to make progress. You need to decide on and work toward deliberate and focused goals.

Want to look back and see the impact that tiny steps had on your life? Try these tips…

Two Tips…

  1. Create an evidence list – Celebrate! Celebrate the big, the small, celebrate it all! When you are taking tiny steps, you need to be aware of the tiny progress in order to motivate yourself to keep going. And it’s really helpful to write it down because your brain is not likely to remember. Made an uncomfortable phone call? Write it down. Followed up with someone? Write it down. Started a project? Write it down! And when you think you aren’t getting anywhere, pull out your evidence. Every bit of progress is a win and will add up to huge successes.
  2. Set intentions every week – Every week, spend a few minutes deciding what is most important. What needs your attention? What doesn’t? Set an intention to take the next step of a larger project. Do your best to avoid anything that isn’t part of your immediate goals. You are not going to get to everything or be completely focused but you can be deliberate about how you plan your time.

Ready to take some tiny steps? The ‘How to Eat an Elephant’ community is ready to welcome you in! Reach out and let’s chat to see if it would be a good fit for you.