Jim Rohn is known for saying, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”

Oprah said, “Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher.”

I strongly believe in their messages and I would like to add: Pay attention to the people as well as the messages and the energy that surrounds you.

I have been blessed to be a part of an amazing community of entrepreneurial women for the last 5.5 years. I have received support with all the business related things (website, social media, etc.) and they have encouraged me to keep putting one foot in front of the other. 

But it hasn’t just been about the people. I also have needed to curate my emails, the podcasts I listen to, the pictures on the wall of my office and my social media feeds. 

During my first two years of coaching, I had one foot in an educator role and the other in a coach role. I needed the extra income that teaching provided and my teacher colleagues were very supportive of my new gig. But I didn’t make much progress with my business during that time. There were reasons I was leaving my teaching career and that negativity needed to go before true progress was had!

When I completely surrounded myself with inspiring messages and energy, both online and in my physical space, my business took off. 

Pay close attention to your surroundings! Start with these two tips…

Two Tips…

  1. Evaluate your circles – Take a look at your closest circle of friends, colleagues and supporters and the next couple of circles out, the friends of friends. Do they believe in you? Do they respect you? Who deserves more of your time? Who deserves less? Start taking the necessary steps to add in (or keep) the positive people and vibes.
  2. Declutter the messages – Take a look at the music, podcasts, TV shows, books and social media feeds in your life. What energy are you feeding yourself? Review your emails, text messages, etc. that pop up on your screen each day. Take a look around your home and/or office. All of this impacts you! What needs to go?

Ready for some more support? Reach out and let’s chat. I’d love to help you evaluate your surroundings and create an environment in which you’ll thrive!