How to Eat an Elephant: A Community for Busy Women

When I was younger, I used to feel really overwhelmed by big projects. My dad would say, “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time!” This saying has been around for a long time, and it’s always served me well. Any task or project, no matter how challenging, can be accomplished if you take one small step at a time. It’s how I created my business and how I teach others to chase their dreams. I created this group around the metaphor, to include time management strategies, accountability and community. It’s the perfect blend of self-guided support and live human interactions. I invite you to join us!


Tired of putting your dreams on hold?

Do you have a project you really want to do but keep putting it off? Has it been stuck in the back of your mind for far too long? Are you ready to stop waiting? It’s time to eat the elephant!

Do you want to have more control over your hectic schedule?

Are you always seeking work/life balance? Discover how to find time for the most important things! One bite at a time!

Do you struggle with consistency?

Do you have trouble sticking to your plans or healthy habits? Would having someone check in on you help? Taking one bite at a time is easier with accountability!

Do you deal with challenges (disorganization, distractibility, ADHD, anxiety)?

Do you ever feel like something is holding you back from being successful or happy? Do you want to learn how to work with your own unique way of thinking? Let’s take a closer look at the elephant in the room!

Are you looking for a supportive, nonjudgemental group of women?

Do you want to be part of a group of people who understand what you’re going through (because they are going through it too) and want to help each other? We’ll tackle the elephants together!

You’re in the right place!

Our online group is for women like you who want to take charge of their time and reach their goals. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time!

Unlock your potential!

For just $37 a month, you can:

  • Watch videos to learn new ways to manage your time
  • Get access to helpful time management and neurodivergent resources
  • Join live events every week for accountability and encouragement

Take the first step!

Stop waiting and start doing! Join us today and start making progress towards your goals! That elephant is not getting any smaller!

Inside this community, you’ll find:

  • Resources – for ADHD, neurodivergence and time management
  • Strategy Videos – for planning, creating accountability, avoiding procrastination, etc.
  • Connection – with other women like yourself
  • Private Facebook Group – for daily support and inspiration
  • 2+ Weekly Live Calls (on zoom) – planning support, accountability, strategies to eat the elephant, and more!

Want to get stuff done? Experience the POWER of a Power Hour!

Join me virtually and work side by side with others as we all hold each other accountable for the tasks we choose to complete. We’ll share what we plan to work on, go on mute while we work and come back together at the end of the hour to check in and celebrate our progress. Free, open to the public, Power Hours will be held on the 1st Monday of each month at 12pm PT (1pm MT, 2pm CT, 3pm ET). Please register in advance to receive the zoom link.