What does consistency really mean anyway?

For the first two years I was coaching, I was also working another job. I worked a few days per month as a substitute teacher. Working as a sub is naturally unsteady, I didn’t always know in advance which days I’d be called, so my work as a coach was also “inconsistent”. Some days and weeks I only worked on my coaching business. Other days and weeks I only subbed. Most weeks were a combination.

I learned very quickly that it was possible to make progress without being consistent. You can be persistent and steady without being logical or unchanging. My business and I steadily made forward progress during that inconsistent season.

Even now, some days I have 100% effort to give and others I have 30%. I work most days, not all. It’s super inconsistent… yet my business consistently grows.

In the work I do with my coaching clients, this topic comes up all the time. Many people feel like if they can’t be consistent, they shouldn’t bother to start (or restart). It’s often a sneaky, subconscious thought that leads to a lot of procrastination. Can you relate?

If so, check out these tips…

Two Tips…

  1. At the beginning of each week, identify 1-3 tasks or priorities that will need your attention that week. Take a look at your calendar and create time blocks for those tasks. You’ll probably get a lot more done, but if you intentionally work on just a few of the most important tasks, you will make forward progress each week.

      2. Avoid perfection. Strive to get something done, not everything. It’s okay to just start, even if you won’t have time to finish.

If you think you might be ready for some more support, reach out and let’s have a conversation. The ‘How to Eat an Elephant’ community or individual coaching might be exactly what you need to feel like you are making consistent progress toward your goals.