Many people I talk to dislike goals. Are you one of them?

In a previous blog post, I share why SMART goals don’t work for me (and many others). The problem is, we do need to have goals in life. Goals give us direction so that we’re not wandering around aimlessly, responding to whatever comes up. So in this post, I want to suggest an alternative… REAL goals.

REAL goals are for real people. They are for the average person who is setting goals or new year resolutions for their life. They are for the dreamers who want to have some clarity about their aspirations. They are for the business owners who can’t seem to wrap their head around the specifics, the measurements, or the timeline. They are for anyone who has struggled with goal-setting and needs a new framework.

R = Realistic Routines: Your goals do need to be somewhat realistic. You likely aren’t going to climb Mt. Everest this year. However, it is realistic to think that you’ll go hiking or climbing each week. That leads to to the second ‘R’ word, routines. Thinking of the actions that you will likely do each day or week, creating a new routine, is much easier to wrap your brain around. It will help you be realistic as well as make progress toward a bigger dream.

E = Exciting Energy: Your goals need to bring you positive energy. They need to excite you and bring joy to your life. The energy of your goal, the excitement, will motivate you to get started and keep working toward the goal. Using the same example as above… is getting outdoors to hike exciting? If yes, you’ll likely do it. If not, choose something else.

A = Authentic & Aligned: Attainable goals, relevant goals are about you, not what someone else thinks you should do. They are authentic to your heart and soul and aligned with your values. If someone says you should be out walking/hiking, it evokes a very different feeling than if you decide you want to be doing this.

L = Less: Less wordy, less complicated, less to remember, less time… REAL goals are simple. When you don’t have all the extra stuff (the measurement, the timeline), it’s easier for your goal to remain top of mind. When a goal is clear and simple and easy… it’s more likely to happen.

How do REAL goals feel to you? Is this a goal-setting framework that might work for you? Remember, goals are important. We need to know where we’re heading in life. However you choose to look at your goal, make sure it works for you. SMART goals, REAL goals, a combination… do you.

Need some support to create goals that work for you? Reach out, I’d love to support you!